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Origin: Mt. Suket, Bondowoso, East Java, Indonesia

Producer: Supriyanto x The Dancing Tounge Club


Species: Arabica

Variety: Orange Bourbon

Process: Innoculation Extended Fermentation Natural


The Coffee
Bondowoso Supernova is an elegant and luxurious coffee, offering a nuanced experience with tasting notes of blackcurrant, red grape, red plum, and candy fruit. Processed using the Inoculation Extended Fermentation Natural method, this coffee reveals a rich, fruity sweetness balanced by smooth acidity.


The carefully selected Orange Bourbon cherries are fermented in a low-temperature, anaerobic environment with an inoculation starter for over 250 hours followed by a three-layer drying process.


The Producer
Bondowoso Supernova is a collaborative effort between Masiyan Coffee Farmer and The Dancing Tongue Club, a specialized coffee processing company. Masiyan Coffee Farmer is a pioneering farmer group based in Bondowoso, East Java, known for their experimental spirit with coffee varieties. Last year, we offered another coffee from this group, La La Laurina, Indonesia’s first successful hybrid Laurina variety, a naturally lower-caffeine Arabica that was highly popular. Building on this legacy, member of Masiyan Coffee Farmer, Firmansyah, collaborated with The Dancing Tongue Club to create Bondowoso Supernova, a coffee that combines excellent farming practices with innovative processing techniques.


The Terroir
Grown at 1400 MASL on the slopes of Mount Suket in East Java, Indonesia, Bondowoso Supernova benefits from the region’s fertile volcanic soil and ideal high-altitude climate. This distinct terroir imparts natural complexity to the coffee, enhancing its vibrant fruit and floral notes. The combination of East Java’s unique environment and the meticulous processing by Masiyan Coffee Farmer and The Dancing Tongue Club creates a coffee that reflects the beauty and character of the land.


Brewing Recipe - Pour Over (V60, Kalita, etc.)


Coffee: 18 grams

Water: 270 ml

Water Temperature: 93-95 °C

Grind Size: Medium


Total Intervals: 3

1st pour: 50ml, wait for 30 seconds

2nd pour: 100ml, wait for 1 minute

3rd pour: 120ml, wait for 1 minute

Bondowoso Supernova - Filter

15,80 €Price
  • Blackcurrant, Red Grape, Red Plum, Candy Fruit

  • Filter roast. Suitable for pour-over (V60, Kalita, etc.), filter coffee machine, and french press.

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